New medical clinic opening soon!
Is it true what people have been saying? Will there be a new medical clinic opening soon in Zhuhai city? Yes it’s true, and I will be helping to manage it! The HiMyDr International Clinic will be officially opening on Saturday May 9th 2015. It will be the first ever international clinic in Zhuhai that’s actually…

Another cool and healthy idea from Japan?
Is this another cool and healthy idea from the urban streets of Japan? I wonder if China will to do something similar in the years to come? Forget eating natural and organic veg from the green fields of the countryside, but instead, delve into a magnetic rail induced carrot fuelled by the energies of an…

A prayer for healthy inspiration
I received this card and prayer from an old friend of mine, just before we embarked on our years journey to India together (many years ago now!!!). I have it stuck to the back of my front door so that every morning when I leave the house I get to take a glimpse. Sometimes of…

Take my quick health quiz!
This quick health test will provide you with a clearer insight into your overall health and will suggest appropriate support based on your total score and specific feedback. Your bodies “symptoms” that you may experience allow us to communicate on a deeper level with ourselves and our HEALTH. Symptoms are signs and important ways that…

China air pollution index tool
Having recently had an annoying cough and seeing quite a few “armageddon” type skies (i.e – the non-clear blue sky variety) I have decided to post a handy article and “health tool” link that will keep you up to date with the quality of your local air. Unfortunately this issue looks like becoming a huge…

Hot Squash Stew
This Recipe is: Vegetarian, Vegan Prep Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes Serves: 4 Ingredients: 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 onion, finely minced 2 cloves of garlic, finely minced 1 winter squash, seeded, peeled, chopped (butternut, acorn, pumpkin, delcata) Veggie or chicken stock 2 teaspoons curry powder 1 1/2 teaspoons cumin Directions: Sauté onions…

Alternate-Day Diet
Alternate-Day Diet Author of the Alternate-Day Diet James B. Johnson, MD has conducted several clinical trials to determine if a ‘skinny gene’ is switched on when calorie intake is restricted every other day. Not only did he find this diet promotes weight-loss, he also noted numerous health benefits such as lowered blood pressure, improved insulin resistance, reduced…

Fun up your food!
It’s easy to get in a diet rut, even if you’re loading up on flavorful fruits and veggies. The solution? Have plenty of spices, fresh herbs, and lemons at your cooking beck and call. “It’s amazing what a little dash of spice, sprinkle of herbs, pinch of lemon zest, or squirt of lime juice can…

You want it? Then make it happen!
Two friends are chatting about their diets. The first one says, “I want to be healthy and feel great.” The second one says, “I intend to be healthy and feel great.” Which one do you think is going to get healthy and feel great? Yep—the one who intends it. Wanting is simply wishing you can…

A 7 minute workout that really works!
I read this article written by an American doctor working in Beijing and have found it a fantastic resource for anybody who doesn’t like the gym or can’t find any free time to exercise! All it takes is 7 minutes and all you need is a chair! How about that? Read more on the science…
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