Ayurvedic Diets

Ayurveda, meaning “the science of life”, originated in India as a holistic approach to create balance within the mind and the body by aligning oneself with nature. The idea is to cleanse the body of substances that cause illness through proper diet and lifestyle. The belief is that disease results from an imbalance of the…

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Celebrating the dragon boat festival

To celebrate the recent Dragon Boat Festival our medical centre got rid of the boats, drained the water and held an afternoon event for both Chinese and expats to learn and make the famous “Zongzi” rice dumplings. This was followed by a series of health related talks, including a tai qi demonstration and a lecture…

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20% OFF our children’s full body health checkup

Every month, we at the HiMyDr International Clinic have special offers for you and your family, keeping you up to date with all our latest services and making sure you make those healthy choices! To find a full list of all our monthly offers please download our free HiMyDr APP system to either your phone,…

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Sugar Food Addiction Test

Nutritional researcher Dr. Joel Fuhrman says that sugar addiction is just as serious as being hooked on cocaine: “Low-nutrient foods rich in sugar, oils, white flour and salt have similar biochemical effects in the brain as addictive drugs,” he tells Metro. “Because they tend to be especially palatable, these foods activate reward pathways in the…

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Bitter Sweet Sugar Workshop

Do you constantly crave sweets and want to learn and understand why? Do you suffer from the sugar blues and want to learn how to gain control  without deprivation? This Bitter Sweet Sugar workshop will provide you with the answers and teach you why sugar makes us fat and most importantly what you can do…

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Under exercised and over sized!

On July 19, 1961, John F. Kennedy, the youngest candidate ever elected to the presidency, urges schools to adopt the guidelines recently published by the National Council on Youth Fitness. This was more than 50 years ago! Have things really changed? Have things really improved? Technology, information and the plethora of food products available have,…

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Do less calories mean more life?

Do you want to know how to stay looking young and live for longer?  If so this article may be of interest. Do remember however that a calorie is just a number and a number does not tell you if it’s a “healthy” calorie or a “non-healthy” calorie. Also, the words “low-fat” must not be…

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Visit the Sun God Mountain Retreat

If you live in or around Zhuhai and want to get away from the city for a day or two, the Sun God Mountain Retreat is for you, your family and your friends! Download a PDF with more detailed information and prices by clicking on the following link: Sun God Mountain Retreat Brochure

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The 8 causes of cravings

The body is amazing. It knows when to go to sleep, when to wake up, and when to go to the bathroom. It maintains a temperature of 98.6 degrees, repairs itself when wounded and knows the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth. Your heart never misses a beat. Your lungs are always breathing. The body is…

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Celebrating world family doctor day!

We recently celebrated World Family Doctor Day at our new clinic by inviting a number of health professionals working across Zhuhai city to a health forum hosted by our new international doctor from Cuba, Dr Etien Gonzalez. The audience enjoyed listening to the similarities and differences in how doctors work and how the healthcare system…

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