The 8 causes of cravings

The body is amazing. It knows when to go to sleep, when to wake up, and when to go to the bathroom. It maintains a temperature of 98.6 degrees, repairs itself when wounded and knows the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth. Your heart never misses a beat. Your lungs are always breathing. The body is…

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Download our FREE HiMyDr APP!

Not only have we created a new international medical clinic in the heart of the international community, we have gone one step further by designing and creating our very own HiMyDr APP system or as I like to call it, “a doctor in your pocket”. Download it now onto your smartphone by scanning the QR…

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Make space for a positive mindset

Has anyone ever said you are a negative person? Do you ever spend time making space for a positive mindset? Is it really that important? The average person has an estimated 70,000 thoughts per day! Take a moment to think about the thoughts that run through your mind. Are they positive and uplifting? “Today is going to be an…

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Primary food – is what you eat really that important?

Nutrition is a secondary source of energy. Primary foods, or non-food sources of nourishment, are what really fuel us. As children, we all lived on primary food. Lovers thrive on the pure bliss and peace they are experiencing, while passionate entrepreneurs are fueled by their work. The excitement and rapture of daily life can feed…

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A 7 minute workout that really works!

I read this article written by an American doctor working in Beijing and have found it a fantastic resource for anybody who doesn’t like the gym or can’t find any free time to exercise! All it takes is 7 minutes and all you need is a chair! How about that?  Read more on the science…

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Balance is a waste of time

“Work-life balance was a mistake from the start. Because we don’t really want balance. We want satisfaction.” – Matthew Kelly, author Secrets to balancing home and work life (Download PDF) Balance is a sticky subject among many people. We have careers, partners, children, family commitments, charity work, classes, hobbies, worship time—plus, big desires to improve…

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Why forgiveness makes you heal

Top Three Positive Psychology Exercises (Download PDF) Have you ever downed an entire package of chips, crackers, or cookies? Ate pizza or cake until you felt sick? Drank more coffee or wine than your body wanted? Do you remember how you were feeling at the time? I ask because sometimes we overeat to help distract…

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Isn’t fat bad for me?

Dietary fat: is it good or bad? The Facts on Fat (Download PDF) Both. You see, not all fats are created equal. The Skinny on Fats Heavily processed, hydrogenated “trans” fats used in prepared, packaged foods can be extremely damaging to the body. They can compromise the cardiovascular system, immune system, and contribute to behavior…

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Get to know your Chinese Tea!

So many different types to choose from, so many different tastes and so many different prices.  I found this guide to be really useful in learning that there’s more to tea than just dunking biscuits!  I hope you find it useful as I did….. A Beginners Guide to Tea Tea is second only to water…

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Beans: powerful plant protein

“I was determined to know beans.”— Henry David Thoreau, The Bean-Field How about you? How well do you know beans? Beans (Download PDF) Creamy cannellinis, meaty garbanzos, sweet adzuki, tender pintos, and so many more—beans are one of the most powerful, nutrient-dense plant foods around. Consider this: Beans are packed with tons of fiber, as…

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