Do you want to say bye bye to your belly fat or lose some excess weight? Discover safe, simple and sustainable ways to shift those pounds. This workshop is perfect for both men or women interested in reaching their health and wellbeing goals whilst living and working in China. Discover why diets don’t work and learn about the important fundamental concepts of “primary” and “secondary” nutrition.

April 22, 2014Your talk was very informative and I really enjoyed learning more about why I cannot shift my tummy! I am really looking forward to your detox workshop in June. Thanks 🙂
April 14, 2014Thanks heaps for the marvellous talk on Saturday. Chris presented various vital points with regard to health sustenance. I thoroughly enjoyed every aspects of his workshop and it encouraged me to seriously consider embarking onto a new lifestyle that will encompass things like conscious food intakes, how to maintain a good state of mind whilst doing exercises and many many more tips! p.s. I loved how Chris used various sources of quote from celebrities of present and the past, those quotes were truly inspirational and worth a lot of mentioning! Cheers 🙂
April 13, 2014Well worth going to. I found it really interesting…thanks Chris.
April 13, 2014Great workshop, Chris. Thanks
Andy Navias
April 10, 2014This workshop was both helpful and enjoyable. Chris knows his material really well and delivers it in a way that is professional, well organised and easy to follow.
I also like that Chris lives in the real world and rather than insisting that his students make his suggestions their first priority in life, he tries to find ways to fit healthier choices into people’s lifestyles and schedules.
Thanks Chris!
April 9, 2014Chris is a very good health coach, he is also an excellent lecturer. I have learned a lot in this workshop.
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