Veggie Bake

This Recipe is: Vegetarian

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cooking Time: 50 minutes

Serves 4 or more


  • All the leftover veggies in your fridge that need to be used up
  • 1 large can chopped tomatoes
  • 1 can chickpeas
  • 1-2 large yams (or sweet potatoes), sliced into 1/8-inch-thick sheets
  • Extra virgin olive oil


  1. Preheat the oven to 350/176 degrees.
  2. Chop veggies (not yams) and sauté in a bit of oil until soft, 5-10 minutes.
  3. Add can of tomatoes and drained can of chickpeas.
  4. Mix well and remove from heat.
  5. Slice yams into thin sheets.
  6. Spread a little olive oil on the bottom of a casserole dish and cover
  7. with a layer of yam sheets (as you would with lasagna noodles).
  8. Spoon out veggie-tomato-chick pea mixture
  9. and spread evenly on top of yams.
  10. Finish with a layer of yams.
  11. Lightly drizzle olive oil on top.
  12. Bake, covered, for 30 minutes.
  13. Take off the cover and turn up temperature to
  14. 450/232 degrees for 10 minutes to crisp up the top layer.
  15. Add your favorite spices, like basil, oregano, fennel, cumin, chili pepper or sea salt when adding tomatoes and chickpeas.


Add your thoughts and feelings below to the comments section! Did you like the taste of this recipe? Would you make it again? How did it make you feel? Be creative and add different ingredients if you see fit. Most importantly, have fun with it 🙂


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