The launch of our new Functional Medicine department

We recently held an opening ceremony for the launch of our new Functional Medicine department, officially opened by Dr James Ho, Professor and Director of the Peking Union Lawke Center For Functional Medicine.  Over the coming year, many of our doctors will be trained in the “functi0nal medicine” way of practice, which will bring a lot of benefits to our patients and quality of care.

In essence, Functional Medicine is a new way of practicing medicine that can help reverse the epidemic of chronic disease. It is a dynamic approach to assessing, preventing and treating complex chronic disease. It helps clinicians identify and ameliorate dysfunctions in the physiology and biochemistry of the human body as a primary method of improving patient health.

I am a strong supporter of Functional Medicine approach as it takes into consideration many of the aspects that I as a Health Coach like to focus on when helping to improve somebodies health. Personalizing lifestyle and environmental factors along with attitudes and beliefs are all considered and combined with cutting-edge biochemical testing which clearly exposes the current state of a persons fundamental organizing systems and core clinical imbalances.  In my opinion, all Family GP Doctors should practice it!

For more information on Functional Medicine please visit the official website or email me at [email protected].

See a “Chinglish” translation of our opening ceremony event below!

Warm congratulations to Beijing Union Medical Lodge features Angaur US medical sub-centers opening ceremony

2015-01-15Dr. Hyman


January 15, Beijing Union Medical Lodge features Angaur US medical sub-centers inauguration ceremony was held in Huafa community hospital.

Director of Beijing Union Medical Center Lodge features, the Beijing municipal government appointed expert Dr. He Jian, as well as community hospitals Huafa co-founder Dr. Zhang Wenan functional medicine doctor Angaur US sub-centers and the opening speech.

Dr. He is full of expectations, said he was very optimistic about its cooperation, but also functional medicine can better play its role by private doctors, and Wafa Hospital is the first company to start Zhuhai private doctors window.

After the opening ceremony, Dr. Ho and his leadership team of medical experts was held in a large public Wafa hospitals nationwide lecture tour, to “spread functional medicine and health management philosophy, health China’s great dream” for the purpose, for the majority of the audience to provide scientific health management knowledge, has been unanimously praised highly.

From a medical point of Dr. Ho features a comprehensive analysis of why people get sick from the genetic relationship between the environmental, psychological, physiological and lifestyle started to study the function of the human body down to the pathogenesis of pathological changes, resulting in health care, chronic care and anti-aging provision of diagnostic and intervention programs, to save humanity in the disease in bringing to life the vitality of tools, functional medicine will lead the second medical revolution.

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