The 4-Hour Body Diet

4-Hour Body Diet

Also known as the Slow-Carb diet, the 4-Hour Body was invented by Tim Ferriss and boasts rapid weight loss in a short amount of time. This diet is based on the author’s access to MDs, top scientists, professional athletes, and experimentation on himself. The 4-Hour Body is about consistently making the smallest changes to produce the best and biggest results. The unconventional tips and tricks are applied in the rules to follow.

Rules to apply:

Avoid “white” carbohydrates which include breads, rice, cereals, potatoes, pasta, tortillas, and fried foods with breading

Eat the same few meals. Mix and match from a small variety of foods such as:

  • eggs and egg whites
  • chicken and grass-fed beef
  • legumes and veggies – veggies are not calorically dense so make sure to eat legumes for satiety
  • eating more frequently might be helpful to prevent over-eating
  • eat approx 4 hours apart and start within one hour of waking
  • eat at least 30g of protein in the morning

Don’t drink calories:

  • coffee, tea, and water are recommended
  • red wine is allowed but no more than 1-2 glasses per night

Don’t eat fruit:

  • tomatoes and avocados are ok to eat, but in moderation
  • avoid fruit 6 days a week

Take one day off per week:

  • one day a week, eat whatever you want
  • before eating whatever you want, drink grapefruit juice
  • after making a mistake in eating, do a quick round of air squats within an hour of eating


  • The author is very motivational and encouraging
  • The meal plan is very straightforward and easy to follow
  • It incorporates muscle building and losing body fat into the diet
  • Plenty of vegetables and legumes are incorporated into the diet, and the emphasis of lean chicken and grass-fed beef will provide vital nutrients and minerals


  • The diet was tested mainly on one individual’s personal experimentation and therefore may not work for everyone.
  • The diet also calls for no fruit 6 days a week
  • When following this diet, supplementation may be needed


1. “4-Hour Body – The Slow-Carb Diet .” Dec 2010.
2. “The 4-Hour Body .” 10 November 2011.
3. “Is this allowed on the 4 Hour Body Diet? ” 10 November 2011.
Additional Learning:
Four Hours to Your Perfect Body .” 10 November 2011.
Ferriss, Timothy. The 4 -Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman . Crown Publishing Group, 2010.

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