The 3-Hour Diet

3-Hour Diet

The 3-hour diet was designed by Jorge Cruise, author of 8 Minutes in the Morning and The 3-Hour Diet: How Low-Carb Diets Make You Fat and Timing Makes You Thin. Cruise emphasizes eating every 3 hours to reset the metabolism and burn fat. This process stabilizes blood sugar and controls appetite while increasing energy and alertness. With this program, Cruise claims you can increase your BMR, or baseline metabolic rate (the amount of calories you burn at rest). He claims that people can jump-start their weight loss, losing 2 pounds per week, on this diet alone.

Rules to apply: 

  • Eat within an hour of waking
  • Eat every three hours after breakfast
  • Do not eat within 3 hours of going to bed


  • No special foods are needed and no foods are off limits.
  • There are no restrictions on calorie intake.
  • This diet teaches visualization and portion control.


  • Does not teach proper nutrition and healthy eating habits.
  • If you are prone of overeating, sitting down to 5-6 meals a day could give you the opportunity to over-indulge.
  • This diet does not emphasize the importance of exercise.
  • You must eat every 3 hours whether you are hungry of not – this goes against listening to internal hunger cues.


1. “3-Hour Diet .” 10 November 2011.
2. “Jorge Cruise on The 3-Hour Diet .” Harper 10 November 2011.
3. Cruise, Jorge. The 3-Hour Diet: How Low-Carb Diets Make You Fat and Timing Makes You Thin . William Morrow, 2005. Print

4. “What is the 3-Hour Diet? ” 6 February 2009.

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