Lecture at the Sun God

Last weekend I was invited to give a lecture at the beautiful Sun God Mountain Retreat to 40 VIP customers from the Zhuhai Agriculture & Commercial Banking corporation.

They were visiting the nature retreat for a healthy weekend of fresh air, mountain walking and to savour the nutritious organic food all grown and prepared on site.

Sun God Lecture - March 2014 004 Sun God Lecture - March 2014 005

I talked about healthy and sustainable weight loss and introduced 8 simple but very powerful steps to saying bye bye to belly fat and any other type of excess weight.

The event was very well received and it was fun and interesting to get a Chinese perspective on weight loss.

If you are in South China and fancy a relaxing and healthy trip away from the city, I would fully recommend a visit and one night stay at the Sun God Retreat.

More information can be found on the below link:


As always, STAY Excited, STAY Healthy and  STAY Positive +


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