QSI team building success

Teamwork may be the most important variable in successful professional practice. To a significant extent, one’s ability to be helpful depends in large measure on effectiveness in building teams and contributing to team efforts.

In my opinion there is nothing that exemplifies the art of teamwork more than a human body in full health! 70 trillion individual cells working “together” perfectly from day till dawn. Keeping us alert, keeping us energized and allowing us to create.

Over the past month I facilitated 2 team building day retreats for Quality Schools International (QSI) located in Zhuhai city, China. Each day consisted of between 20-40 school students who participated in various fun and challenging group activities that tested, questioned and improved all of their team building skills!

See some pictures of the days events below:

For more information on my team building retreats please click here

QSI TB 5 QSI TB 2 (4) QSI TB 2 (3) QSI TB 2 (2) QSI TB 2 (1) IMG_4866




  • Sharalee Gunther

    Reply Reply November 6, 2014

    I just wanted to let you know that I think you did an excellent job organizing and directing the Team Building Retreats for our school. As a parent, I listened to each of my 4 boys talk about the retreat as if they were still glowing from the excitement of the day. I love knowing my own children had such a great time! As a teacher, it was nice to not have to be in charge of the event. I was able to have fun participating, encouraging, and helping the kids instead of running it all.

    I know that the younger level students are a more difficult group since they LOVE to ask constant questions, have a difficult time sitting still even to eat, and struggle with being able to listen to anything longer than 1 sentence. And yet, I think Chris handled their exuberant energy with finesse and professionalism. 🙂

    I am quite certain that both teachers and students will remember this event as one of the best highlights of this academic year.

  • Mike Nerbovig

    Reply Reply November 6, 2014

    The team building retreat was a worthy investment in our time. The students were exposed to a new environment with new challenges that forced them to see each other in a new light and to see themselves in new situations. One of my highlights was actually after the day was done, watching them sit around a table as a whole and not just in their usual social groups, revelling in the day’s experiences. Relations between students were strengthened that day, and they’re certainly more of a team because of it.

  • John Durham

    Reply Reply November 6, 2014

    The Team-Building Retreats to Sun God Mountain were enjoyed by the teachers and students last week. Everyone says that we should do it again next year. The secondary students said that this one day was better than their “Week-Without-Walls” last year when they went to the Chengdu area for a week! That week they visited the Panda Research Center and the Giant Buddha and much more!

  • Ryan Benson

    Reply Reply November 6, 2014

    The team-building trip to Sun God Mountain was a fantastic outing for each and every student and as a group as a whole! The activities provided a unique opportunity for our students to think critically, build consensus, and form bonding relationships beyond school walls. Thank you, Chris, for your well put-together trip and expertise in team-building! We look forward to attending next year!

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