How to chew it?

One of the biggest challenges that I struggle with health wise is eating my food too fast! Are you always on the go doing “busy” stuff or one of those that can never sit still for too long? If so I am sure you like guzzle down your food too! Over the years I have found a simple change in the way we eat (in particular chewing) can have a really beneficial effect on our health.

As I am sure you know, digestion of the food we eat initially begins in the mouth. As you start to chew your food, digestive enzymes found in saliva begin to break it down, preparing for nutrient absorption. It’s important to chew your food thoroughly to achieve maximum absorption of all your vitamins and minerals and this is where the magic really begins!

Want to know how to chew properly? Download the below PDF to learn some top tips on how to chew through your life healthily before, during and after your meals!


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