HiMyDr International Clinic – Grand Opening

The HiMyDr International Clinic opening ceremony will take place on Saturday May 9th 2015 from 09:30-12:30. Please put the date in your diary and come and show your support. It will be the first ever international clinic in Zhuhai that’s actually run by international health professionals!

See www.HiMyDoctor.com for a detailed schedule of the day’s events.

From now until we officially open, you are welcome to a FREE first consultation with our two foreign doctors, Dr Gonzalez (from Cuba, speaks English/Spanish) or Dr Ransford (from Ghana/USA, speaks English/Chinese/Twi). The only thing that we ask is that you BOOK an appointment through our International Hotline (135-7065-8044) by calling or sending a text message.

International Clinic Opening (English)

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