The truth is, whether we know it or not, we all have the answers within ourselves to our questions and problems. It’s the job of a Health Coach to empower clients to find their own answers, and then support them in their journey to achieve them
With millions of people suffering from preventable lifestyle-related diseases, the Health Coach is a complimentary member of the healthcare team that can help bring about lasting behaviour changes for more people, in less time and with a greater impact than the current model.
> A Health Coach serves to complement and fill the gap between medical professionals and preventative healthcare
> A Health Coach helps people discover how their food and lifestyle choices affect their health, happiness and overall wellbeing
> A Health Coach offers guidance and inspiration to help clients shift their behaviour to healthier habits by making step-by-step changes to their diet and lifestyle.
> A Health Coach does not diagnose, treat or take responsibility for bringing about wellness changes in a client’s life; rather, he or she guides and supports the development of and progress toward personal wellness goals.
While the role of a physician to a patient tends to be authoritative, the role of a coach to a player is more supportive. The term Health Coach conveys the position as a motivating, supportive, action-oriented and ongoing ally to our clients
As the healthcare system advances, the Health Coach title is gaining increasing recognition by the public, the media, and the world of health and wellness.
Check out the video links below for further proof:
Click on the links below to learn more about Health Coaching:
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Are you curious about how health coaching can help you? Let’s talk. . . . .
Food for thought October 14, 2016
How to chew it? May 15, 2016
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