Genes load the gun

“Only 3 to 5% of all diseases are genetic based. That means over 95% of ALL sickness, symptoms, and diseases are lifestyle caused. Everyday I hear someone say “Oh well, my Dad has heart issues, so I guess I will too…” or “Everyone in my family has (fill in the blank)…”. This belief system is simply not accurate, even if the drug companies and many medical professionals think that it is. Why would they lead you to believe this? It is simple. This way, YOU can’t do anything about it, and you will need their help and their drugs. Well, I am here to tell you otherwise. Virtually any form of sickness and disease out there can be managed and often cured through your lifestyle. What does “lifestyle” mean? It’s how you eat, how you think, and what you do with your body moment-to-moment, day-to-day, and year-to-year.

Source: Doctor Bart

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