Express Detox Workshop

Do you suffer from fatigue, bloating, headaches, brain fog, excess weight, joint pain, itchy skin, sweet cravings or sleeplessness? You may be able to eliminate all of these symptoms through a healthy detox. Discover how to rid your body of toxins, boost your immune system, increase energy and focus and lose that belly fat once and for all!

Express Detox Flyer


  • Marcello

    Reply Reply June 20, 2014

    Very very interesting, something i wanna definitely try , and im sure will give me some benefit , is good something open our eyes, and see that is not all about taste , but we should focus more about being healthy in many other parts of our life.

  • Ruth

    Reply Reply June 18, 2014

    Another interesting workshop Chris, packed with useful info and as always given with so much enthusiasm. How can we not be motivated to clean up our eating ( and drinking!) habits. Not quite ready for the full detox yet but cutting down on all those nasty, horrible things you talked about!

  • Meileen

    Reply Reply June 18, 2014

    I must say after attending the workshop, the detox program really seems quite approachable and I left feeling more confident doing it. Please let me know when we can get started!

  • Gordon

    Reply Reply June 17, 2014

    Great workshop Chris. I found it really interesting and learned a lot. Don’t know if I’m quite ready for a detox yet but you’ve already helped me vastly improve my diet. At this rate I might even loose some weight.
    Keep up the good work.

  • claire

    Reply Reply June 16, 2014

    Cheers Chris, it was a great workshop. As usual your own experiences give others the motivation to try for themselves! I am on day two of a detox/cleanse right now 🙂 Thank you

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