The 3-Hour Diet
3-Hour Diet The 3-hour diet was designed by Jorge Cruise, author of 8 Minutes in the Morning and The 3-Hour Diet: How Low-Carb Diets Make You Fat and Timing Makes You Thin. Cruise emphasizes eating every 3 hours to reset the metabolism and burn fat. This process stabilizes blood sugar and controls appetite while increasing energy and alertness. With this program,…

The 1800-Calorie ADA Diet
The 1800-Calorie ADA Diet was said to be set forth by the American Diabetes Association to help diabetics control blood glucose levels by eating the right combinations of food. Although the ADA does not currently endorse this specific diet, it does promote many of its basic principles. The foundation of the diet is to restrict daily caloric…

The 17 Day Diet
Dr. Mike Moreno, a physician from San Diego, is the author of the 17 Day Diet. There are three cycles that last 17 days each and one long-term maintenance cycle. This diet suggests walking for 17 minutes each day for the first two phases and then 20-45 minutes a day of exercise after these two phases.…

The 100-Mile Diet
In the North American industrial food system, the average distance from food source to plate is 1,500 miles. The 100 Mile Diet refers to the purchasing, consumption, or production of food all within a 100-mile radius from an individual’s residence. The phrase was coined in 2005 by James MacKinnon and Alisa Smith, two Canadians who…
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