Body Ecology Diet

The Body Ecology Diet was developed by nutritional consultant and author Donna Gates. Her book, The Body Ecology Diet, was published in 1996. This diet emphasizes the importance of maintaining the “inner ecology” that the body needs to function properly and the elimination or control of symptoms that interfere with living.

Signs of an imbalanced ecosystem include:

  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Food allergies
  • Digestive problems
  • Skin rashes
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Low sex-drive

There are seven principles of the Body Ecology Diet:

  1. Expansion and Contraction: eat balanced foods such as raw vegetables, almonds, potatoes and root vegetables
  2. Acid & Alkaline: 20% of the foods on your plate should be acid-forming and 80% should be alkaline-forming
  3. Uniqueness: the only diet that focuses on the inner ecosystem and the necessity to bring it to balance
  4. Cleansing: allows the body to restore balance by getting rid of toxins or waste
  5. Food Combining:
    • Eat fruits alone and on an empty stomach
    • Eat protein with non-starchy vegetables or ocean vegetables
    • Eat grains & starchy vegetables with non-starchy vegetables or ocean vegetables
  1. 80/20:
  • Eat until your stomach is 80% full
  • The food on your plate should be 80% land or ocean vegetables and 20% animal protein, grains, or starchy vegetables
  1. Step by Step: develop your willpower step by step, and stick with the diet until you master it

A sample recipe from the Body Ecology Diet:

Good Morning Greens Smoothie
This smoothie is a delicious, easy and healthy way to start your day. Yield: 6 servings

1 granny smith apple, washed, cored but with skin
4-5 stalks celery, ends & tips removed, use leaves
2 cups chopped romaine lettuce
½ large Haas avocado
½ bunch cilantro or parsley (depending on your
preference) stems removed
3-4 cups filtered water

Chop vegetables into 1 inch pieces for easy blending. Fill blender with 3-4 cups filtered water (more or less water depending on how thick you desire your shake). Add all ingredients into blender. Puree until smooth or desired consistency.

* You can also add the juice from one half of a lemon or lime and even ¼ tsp sea salt and/or cayenne pepper.

1. “Body Ecology .” 2012.

Additional Learning:
Donna Gates, The Body Ecology Diet, Part 1 .” 13 March 2010.

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