Beck Diet Solution

The Beck Diet Solution, by Dr. Judith S. Beck, was created to “train the brain to think and eat like a thin person.” This unique program teaches dieters how to apply the proven benefits of Cognitive Therapy to overcome hurtles associated with dieting. Cognitive Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on problem solving by understanding the root causes of distorted thinking. While incorporating practical and decision-making exercises, the program provides 42 daily tasks that help equip the brain to make better food-related decisions.

Rather than offering a diet and exercise plan, The Beck Diet Solution is a 6-week program that shows people how to think differently, change their eating behavior and lose weight permanently. The idea is that people are less likely to fail if they make changes to their daily behavior and set short-term goals.

The goal of this plan is to empower individuals to:

  • Avoid cheating
  • Cope with hunger and cravings
  • Manage stress without turning to food
  • Motivate themselves to exercise
  • Eliminate overeating and binging
  • Make better choices when eating away from home

Dr. Beck includes easy to use tools such as hunger monitoring scales, daily planning schedules, weight loss graphs and motivational cards. She encourages dieters to keep a journal and weigh themselves weekly to stay on top of their progress.


  1. Beck Diet Solution.” 2012.

Additional Learning:
Beck Diet Solution Interview.” 2007.

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