Pick those perfect tunes
Running with music is a great way to get in a groove (just make sure it’s not blasting too loudly, or you won’t hear those cars!). To pick the ultimate iPod playlist, think about what gets you going. “I know several elite athletes that listen to what we’d consider ‘relaxing’ music, such as symphony music,…

The 5 Element Theory
5 Element Theory The 5 Element Theory, based on Traditional Chinese Medicine , was started by ancient Chinese philosophers called Taoists. The five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Ancient doctors studied nature to create the five element chart and determined universal principals that could help to predict and understand changes that affect health. The chart…

The serving size secret you must know
Quick Quiz: How many portions are in a bag of snack-size whole grain crackers? Or a small bottle of locally-pressed juice? Or a lunchbox pack of granola bars? Hint: it’s not “one.” Often, the above products contain two or two-and-a-half servings per package. Can YOU Eat Just One? Sure, you could go ahead and enjoy…

Where to go to live long and prosper
If you are wanting to live till over 100 then a good bet would be to settle down in this location! This article is an interesting find and I think I may have to take my family there to visit and become one of their “tourists”. The owner of the hospital where I work, has…

How ignorant are you about food?
How I love the great things that Jamie Oliver and his team are doing to change the way we look and think about food. He is more than just a great chef and is really making some exceptional changes at the grassroots level of food education. This great TED presentation is well worth a watch…

How long will you live?
As a Health Coach I help people to discover how their diet and lifestyle choices affect their health, happiness and overall wellbeing. I also like to show my clients how their daily choices affect their actual life expectancy. I find that using the below test helps to motivate my clients before we begin their health…

Kelp and Black Fungus Salad
This Recipe is: Vegetarian, Vegan, Dairy-Free Prep Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 5 minutes Serves: 4 Ingredients: 5 pieces of dried kelp knots 1 large dried black fungus, about the size of palm 1 large red chilli, stemmed and sliced (If you like it spicy toss some chilli seeds into the salad!) 1/2 cup rice vinegar…

How comfy are yours?
You shouldn’t buy kicks that hurt, bottom line! “Your shoes should feel comfortable from the first step,” says Andrew Kastor. So shop in the evening – your feet swell during the day and stop in the late afternoon, so you want to shop when they’re at their biggest. Also make sure the sneaks are a little…

The 4-Hour Body Diet
4-Hour Body Diet Also known as the Slow-Carb diet, the 4-Hour Body was invented by Tim Ferriss and boasts rapid weight loss in a short amount of time. This diet is based on the author’s access to MDs, top scientists, professional athletes, and experimentation on himself. The 4-Hour Body is about consistently making the smallest…

Exactly how full is your glass?
Picture a big glass goblet filled to the halfway mark with water. How do you see it—half-full or half-empty? Consistently finding the glass half-empty—and the world as a difficult place— is a hallmark of negativity. Research has found that a negative outlook can contribute to everything from depression to heart disease to lowered immune system…
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