Are you waking up ok?

I saw this article from Aine Belton and stuck it up on my office wall for some inspiration.  How many symptoms do you display?  On my bad days I don’t even no if I notch up 2 or 3!  I recommend reading over all 20 symptoms before starting your day and seeing where it takes you 🙂

Top 20 Symptoms of Awakening!
By Aine Belton
1. Knowing that limits (and solutions) lie, not out there, but within.
2. Seeking to take responsibility, own your shadows, and move towards greater love, compassion and understanding for self and others.
3. Knowing that your outer-experience is not a random separate occurrence but inextricably linked to your consciousness.
4. Being more accepting and compassionate to yourself and others as your heart opens to greater unconditional love.
5. More freely and vulnerably sharing your heart and enjoying the beautiful impact and domino effect that has.
6. Understanding that being kind is more important than being right.
7. Developing self-love over an illusory quest for external validation.
8. Being more willing to ask for help, receive and be supported, relinquishing independence for inter-dependence.
9. Being willing to face your fears and move beyond them.
10. Seeking inner connection over outer correction.
11. Knowing you are inherently unconditionally worthy.
12. Realizing that things can change in an instant – when you do.
13. Knowing that integrity is its own reward.
14. Greeting and acknowledge the divinity in all.
15. Trusting and letting go over trying to control to allow more of life’s magic and divine grace to unfold.
16. Becoming free of the opinion of others and valuing your truth over being approved.
17. Realizing it’s not what you say but what you feel, not what you do, but why you do it.
18. Opening to the magic and miraculous of everyday living and synchronicities being a new norm.
19. Knowing that you can only serve the highest good of others if you are doing so for yourself.
20. Experiencing irrepressible explosions of love and joy that want to burst like rainbow showers over everyone you meet.
Love and blessings,
Aine Belton 

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