6 ways to work out without hitting the gym

As I always say to my clients, “if you don’t like the gym , don’t go to the gym!” There are plenty of ways to get your mind and body moving and “exercise” doesn’t have to involve a gym or fitness center.  Check out the article below to get some gym-free ideas for improving your health.


Dragging yourself to the gym can be a hassle. Here are seven alternative workout activities you can engage in.

Living in a bustling city and working an eight to five job can be exhausting, but imagine having to lug yourself after to a crowded gym full of sweaty people……..Would that even motivate you to exercise?

Asian Scientist Magazine scopes out five alternative ways to get your body moving without breathing in the balmy air of the gym and experiencing the monotony of running on a treadmill.

Get in routine

It doesn’t matter if you are not an active person to begin with—if you are determined to make a personalized routine, you will most likely stick to it. Hang a calendar at home and mark out the days you would like to jog, swim, bike, play tennis, take the stairs or clean your room. A study published in PLoS ONE found that South Asians like to exercise in social groups. Bring a buddy with you and amp up your exercise routine each week. You won’t even realize that you are doing your body a favor because it won’t even feel like exercise.

Soak up the great outdoors

The thing about being outdoors is the instant gratification you feel just by absorbing the sun on your skin and wind in your hair. Go on an early morning hike or brisk walk in the park. You might be too distracted by your surroundings to even realize that you are exercising. Furthermore, if you own a lovely pup, take it out for a run and it’s sure to be a fun workout.

Workout DVDs Yes!

The first thing that might pop into your mind is Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred Challenge. The intensity of this workout is sure to take your body for a ride—maybe even a painful one—but that’s how it’s supposed to work. Look on the positive side: it is only 30 minutes a day in the comfort of your own home.

Just dance

If you are a fan of popular culture and mainstream music, you’ll know this famous song – Just Dance by Lady Gaga. The fast and upbeat music will put you in the groove. Xbox 360 and Kinect fans look no further—you can dance and engage in virtual sports activities from your couch. If you are a gamer, stay a gamer because the new Kinect exergame titles focus on different age groups to improve physical, mental and emotion health and fitness, according to an article published in the Games for Health Journal.

Attend fun classes

Throw aside hard-hitting gym activities and weight lifting, and opt for something lighter and fun. Yoga and pilates are great ways to enjoy the calmness of a tranquil room while achieving a clear mind and fit body. Both activities are known to promote weight loss, build body strength and improve flexibility. On that note, you should also watch your food intake to make sure you are getting maximum results from your fitness plan.

Source: Asian Scientist

LIVE Webcam Training

I thought I would add this to the above article seeming as though it’s a new and growing trend. Forget going to the gym and paying loads for your very own personal trainer. Why don’t you get a “Fitness Angel” and get 1-on-1 personalized exercise classes with a qualified fitness professional through a web cam in your very own living room! I think this is a fantastic concept and I am sure many more people will start to use this type of service. One company I would recommend who provides this service can be found at www.f-angels.com.

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